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Upstream Subholding BOD Participates in Virtual Management Walkthrough to PHM

Jakarta - PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI) Kalimantan Region conducted a virtual Management Walkthrough (MWT) event with the Upstream Subholding Finance Director, Harry M Zen, on Tuesday, 29 June to the Mahakam Work Area in Zone 8. The Upstream Subholding management board, PHI President Director Chalid Said Salim, Zone 8 General Manager Agus Amperianto and Elnusa Director Ali Mundakir also attended the event. The walkthrough was aimed to introduced Pertamina's HSSE policy and demonstrate HSSE commitment and leadership from the management. 

During the walkthrough, there was also an open discussion between the management and workers on the field to receive direct input from those who were in the operation line on HSSE awareness and care and problems on the field. 

During his opening speech, Upstream Subholding Finance Director Harry M Zen reminded the workers to increase their vigilance during the COVID-19 pandemic that had increased lately. The sentiment was echoed by Zone 8 General Manager Agus Amperianto in his report. 

Furthermore, Zone 8 HSSE Manager Bahrain Munir presented the HSSE performance in the first and second quarters of 2021, where several of the KPIs exceeded their target while some still had yet to reach their target   due to several reasons, such as COVID-19 pandemic and organizational   and personnel changes   related to Upstream Subholding transformation. 

The event was followed by work program presentation by the Zone 8 Drilling & Well Intervention (DWI) from DWI Senior Manager Fata Yunus during which he presented one of ELSA 8 (Snubbing unit) well intervention barge's activities owned by Elnusa that reached 2,053 without LTI. He also explained the operational activities during the pandemic such as health protocol implementation to prevent the virus spread such as personnel's health supervision and data collection, room capacity limitation, 5M implementation, to daily fit to work implementation. These information was conveyed through video and attractive presentation by the Balikpapan DWI and ELSA-8 team.

During the Q&A session, the attendees discussed efforts to handle the spread of COVID-19 by the Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM), including vaccination program and  field workers' rotation that changed to 4 weeks – 4 weeks as a part to control the pandemic. 

The Upstream Subholding BOD was quite satisfied with Zone 8's ways to control the spread COVID-19 so it would not disrupt operational activities. This is in line with Pertamina's policy at the central, regional and zone levels that have conducted various independent and collaborative efforts with the government to control  the spread through the rapid test program before working at the location, vaccination, health protocol campaign, work schedule change, among others. 

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