Jakarta - PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia held a Town Meeting to discuss Company Performance & Updates Regional 3 Kalimantan TW II (Second Quarter) 2021 online on Friday, 6 August 2021. The event was attended by Pertamina Hulu Indonesia’s Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, as well as PHI Officers.
President Commissioner of Pertamina Hulu Indonesia, Adriansyah, expressed his appreciation for the officers in all work sites in Regional 3 Kalimantan for their performance achievement in the second quarter of 2021. Amidst the challenges of company reorganization and Covid-19 pandemic, Adriansyah hopes that their performance and achievement can be maintained to achieve the company target by the end of 2021.
President Director of Pertamina Hulu Indonesia, Chalid Said Salim reminded all officers in Regional 3 Kalimantan to carry out safe, efficient, and reliable oil and gas operation and production that comply with the existing regulations. “We need to make sure that the Company and all its resources will always be ready to face current and future challenges and changes,” he said.
Performance record of Regional 3 Kalimantan until June 2021 included 37,817,024 work hours without Lost Time Injury (LTI) since 4 November 2020; oil production of 63.9 MBOPD and oil lifting of 61.1 MBOPD; and gas production of 691.1 MMSCFD and gas lifting of 606 MMSCFD. In addition, Regional 3 Kalimantan had successfully gained revenue of 1,087.1 million dollar, 41% over the Company’s Work Plan dan Budgeting (RKAP) target. It also recorded Ebitda of 510.8 million dollar, 64.3% exceeding the target, and Net Profit of 128.2 million dollar or 1,019.8% exceeding RKAP target.
On the same occasion, President Director of PHI also stated that, following the success of Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) in receiving upstream oil and gas incentives, Regional 3 Kalimantan is intensively coordinating with concerned parties to obtain the government’s approval for a proposal to provide incentives for Pertamina Hulu Sanga Sanga (PHSS) and Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur (PHKT). Upstream oil and gas incentives aim to ensure the sustainability of upstream oil and gas production and to encourage economic assets development.
The meeting included an interactive session between the boards of commissioners and directors and the officers who represented all zones in Regional 3 Kalimantan. The officers were given opportunities to ask questions to the board of commissioners and board of directors, in which Zone 8 was represented by Senipah and Handil Fields, Zone 9 by Sangasanga and Badak Fields, and Zone 10 by Bunyu and Tarakan Fields. Most of the questions were about human resources management, acceleration of vaccination program, and adjustments required by company reorganization.
Chalid said that the company was working to realize the vaccination program sooner, which had been scheduled for each field starting by the following week. It is expected that the targeted 100% vaccinated worker and partner can be achieved soon. Adriansyah added that the company certainly is committed to fulfill workers’ rights in terms of adjustments in light of company’s reorganization. According to Adriansyah, the reorganization process takes time and all officers in Regional 3 Kalimantan should do their best to follow the process.
In concluding the Town Hall Meeting TW II 2021, Chalid reiterated his appreciation for all officers in Regional 3 Kalimantan. “I appreciate the commitment and performance that our officers have shown so far and hope that all officers continue performing their duties and roles to the best of their abilities,” he concluded.