Jakarta-PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI), as also the Subholding Upsteam Regional 3 Kalimantan, entering its 6th year on December 28, 2021. PHI has reached many achievements within its early age. Not to mention others, the achievement of gas production figures of 681.7 MMSCFD and oil production of 62.2 MBOPD in November 2021; exploitation drilling of 126 wells and exploration of 3 wells; HSSE performance in the form of zero fatality, achievement of TRIR (total recordable incident rate) which is far below the allowable limit, and safe working hours of 62,275,673 hours; the Best of the Best award at the Upstream Improvement & Innovation Awards forum; and PROPER awards from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry with five gold and eleven green awards.
PHI President Director, Chalid Said Salim, stated that all of these achievements were the result of the dedication and huge commitment of the workers, partners, and support from various stakeholders. As a form of gratitude for entering a new age, PHI has also distributed donations worth of Rp 200,000,000 (two hundred million rupiah) to orphans in the company's working area.
In this year's Anniversary, PHI carries the theme of Energy Diversity for Indonesia. The theme reflects the dynamics and changes in the Subholding Upstream transformation taken place on April 1, 2021, which has transformed PHI as Regional 3 Kalimantan to be bigger and more diverse. The human resources and working cultures that have been implemented in each subsidiaries and companies has been assembled beautifully and resulted in balanced harmony. They are from PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM), PT Pertamina Hulu Sanga Sanga (PHSS), PT Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan (PHKT), PT Pertamina EP (PEP), and PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE).
Chalid stated that, “The diversity of PHI-Regional 3 Kalimantan is managed within the spirit of implementing AKHLAK values. This way, the diversity becomes an important element in supporting Company's successful performance. In fact, this diversity is a very strong weapon for the Company in carrying out safe, effective, efficient, and superior oil and gas as an operations and business.”
Chalid also explained that, in order to maintain business continuity and company performance during the COVID-19 pandemic, PHI has several strategies, they are: aggressive exploration activities to find new resources with new play concepts; optimization of baseline and development to increase production; expanding the synergy/borderless strategy in exploration, development and operation activities; cost optimization through OPTIMUS program and the application of technological innovations, methods, materials, which are more cost-efficient; commercial portfolio optimization; and maintenance programs to preserve the reliability of production facilities.
Chalid concluded that, “PHI continues to innovate in making adjustments to the management of work and workers in order to continue to meet standard business processes and COVID-19 health protocols. PHI implements various strict and consistent policies to ensure the safety of workers, processes, facilities, and the environment in all areas of the company's operations. PHI has established several strategic initiatives by revitalizing existing fields, as well as implementing various project priorities and technological innovations to conserve the production and restrain natural production decline, maintain the economic assets, and put efforts to cost optimization all aspects of the company's business and operations to support the achievement of national energy security.”