Bunyu Island, North Kalimantan - PT Pertamina EP (PEP) Bunyu Field conducted the planting of 1,000 mangrove seedlings at Sungai Lumpur Beach through one of the company's CSR programs titled the Bunyu Lestari Mangrove Program (Bestari).
The planting activity saw the participation of the District Head of Bunyu, the Head of Bunyu Barat Village, the Bunyu Command Post Chief, the Bunyu Police Chief, the Bunyu Military District Commander, KUPP Syahbandar Bunyu, and residents of RT 001 and RT 002 of Bunyu Barat Village on March 3rd.
Senior Manager of PEP Bunyu Field, Andry Sehang, explained that this mangrove planting activity is a manifestation of PEP Bunyu Field's commitment to preserving the environment around the company's operational areas on Bunyu Island, Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan Province.
"The Bestari Mangrove Program is a strategic step for the company in supporting efforts to reduce carbon emissions, increase energy efficiency, preserve the environment, and Pertamina's energy transition policy towards net zero emissions by 2060 by involving stakeholders such as local governments and communities," explained Andry.
According to Andry, the characteristics of Sungai Lumpur Beach are very suitable for mangrove species to prevent erosion because mangroves can act as the lungs of the environment, reducing carbon emissions. In the future, there are plans for this area to become a Mangrove conservation area in Bunyu Barat Village. Bunyu Island is at risk of erosion due to strong ocean waves. Its coastal region is also potentially affected by coastal erosion, ultimately impacting residents.
The Head of Bunyu Barat Village, Suhadi, expressed appreciation to PEP Bunyu Field for their role in environmental preservation in their area. He hoped that this activity would continue sustainably. "This program targeted since the land area of Sungai Lumpur Beach has gradually started to erode due to powerful ocean waves," he remarked.
Meanwhile, the Manager of Communication Relations & CID of PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia, Dony Indrawan, explained the company's commitment to continuing CSR programs that support community development, environmental sustainability, and independence.
"We continue to support the steps and policies of PT Pertamina (Persero) and the Upstream Subholding of Pertamina in taking measures to support the achievement of sustainable development goals or SDGs. The Bestari Mangrove Program aligns with SDGs Goal 12 on responsible consumption and production; Goal 13 on climate action; and Goal 14 on marine ecosystem conservation," he added.
PT Pertamina EP (PEP) Bunyu Field, which operates under Subholding Upstream Regional 3 led by PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI), conducts upstream oil and gas operations and businesses according to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. Through cooperation with SKK Migas, PEP Bunyu Field, together with other subsidiaries and affiliates of PHI, implements innovative Social Responsibility programs in the fields of Economy, Education, Health, Environment, Infrastructure, and Disaster Response to support sustainable community empowerment and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). PHI's headquarters is in Jakarta. More information about PHI is available at https://phi.pertamina.com.