As a form of support from PT Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur (PHKT) in the government's National Gas Network project to ensure the national energy security and expedite energy diversification for the household sector, PHKT partnered with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, PT. Pertagas and Kutai Kartanegara Regency Administration in providing and distributing gas for the communities around PHKT's operation area in Marangkayu District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency.
The gas network project in Marangkayu District and the surrounding areas, managed by PT. Pertagas, received its gas supply from PHKT - Northern Operation Area (DOBU) through the facilities in the South Terminal for 0.1 hingga 1 MMSCFD (million standard cubic feet per day - gas) to support around 3,500 gas network connections for the public. There were 5 gas network connection sectors that would be supplied from PHKT Santan Terminal, such as Sebuntal, Semangko and Bunga Putih villages in Marangkayu District.
The Start Up gas flow from MRS (Meter Regulating System) in the PHKT Santan Terminal started on 17 February 2021 with gas flow to Marangkayu Sector 1 Gas Network to Semangko Village for 621 consumers, which would later be scheduled to be flowed to 4 other sectors in 2021.
PHKT General Manager Achmad Agus Miftakhurrohman expressed his gratitude that the gas from PHKT had started to be distributed to the communities around Marangkayu District safely. “We hope that the gas distributed using the Marangkayu Gas Netwrok can benefit the communities around Marangkayu District. Furthermore, we advise the communities to observe the safety aspect in using household gas through the gas network according to the technical direction by the gas network management“ Achmad Agus added.
PHKT Santan Terminal, located in Marangkayu District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, has been operating for about 50 years since 1971. While operating at the Santan Terminal, PHKT has always committed to support the government's programs through community empowerment, CSR and other programs such as supporting the Gas Network Program for the household sector. PHKT will always build active partnerships to fulfill the public and stakeholders' expectations around the PHKT operation areas.