Jakarta (28 December 2020) – PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI) celebrates its 5th anniversary in an online event attended by all of PHI management and workers, PHI subsidiaries, the orphans and the poor from several foundations around the Greater Jakarta area. The anniversary event took the theme of Gratitude was opened by PHI President Director, Chalid Said Salim, and PHI Board of Commissioners, Iman Prasetyo Moelyadi and Taufan Hunneman, as well as PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) President Director that was represented by PHE Exploration Director, Medy Kurniawan, and the board of directors and general managers of PHI subsidiaries, including PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM), PT Pertamina Hulu Sanga Sanga (PHSS) and PT Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur (PHKT). PHI anniversary activities were simple but was filled with togetherness, keeping the event interesting. Gratitude from the directors and management to all PHI and its subsidiaries' workers were reciprocated by conglaturatory and prayers from all PHI subsidiaries' workers in the Jakarta and Balikpapan offices and the oil and gas fields, both onshore and offshore in East Kalimantan area. As a show of gratitude for the external stakeholders, PHI anniversary event was also followed by assistance distribution for the orphans and the poor that were part of the anniversary.
In his opening speech, PHI President Director Chalid Said Salim expressed his appreciation to all stakeholders, both internal and external, that supported PHI to be able to reach its achievements. “Five years of operation is a very young age for an company in this industry. However, PHI's establishment on 28 December 2015 could not be separated from the long oil and gas operations in the work areas managed by PHI's subsidiaries, such as PHM, PHA, PHSS, and PHKT,” Chalid said. Chalid also said that since PHI took over the operations of the oil and gas work area in 1 January, 8 August and 24 October 2018 through PHM, PHSS, and PHKT to this day, PHI successfully achieved various achievement and milestones. “PHI's business and operations performance in the past 3 years showed PHI's the management and officers dedication, hard work and creativity and made PHI as one of Pertamina's subsidiaries that give significant contributions to Pertamina and Indonesia in producing energy and revenue for the country,” he said.
Meanwhile, PHI Commissioners Iman Prasetyo Moelyadi and Taufan Hunneman said that they believed that PHI would be trusted to realize Indonesia's hope to provide energy and focused itself to reach operational and production targets. Iman and Taufan agreed that in the past five years, PHI officers were able to show great progress in innovation, creativity and efficiency to face the industry's challenges. Representing PHE President Director, Medy Kurniawan, PHE Exploration Director, said that as one of Pertamina's subsidiary under the upstream subholding organization, PHI showed its great commitment to reach oil and natural gas production target set by Pertamina. “PHI through its subsidiaries, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, Pertamina Hulu Sanga Sanga, and Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur successfuly reached great performance amid the rising and complex industry, business and operational challenges, especially during the pandemic,” Medy said. PHI's anniversary celebration became the right moment for the company's management and workers to showcase PHI's commitment to support PT Pertamina (Persero)'s effort in providing sustainable oil and gas for Indonesia and strengthen the national energy independence. *****
Source: Farah Dewi – Corporate Secretary PHI, Tel. 081212442815