PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI) was awarded as the Best of The Best in the 2019 Upstream Forum held by PT Pertamina (Persero) Upstream Directorate on 20-22 November 2019, at ICE BSD, South Tangerang. The 2019 Upstream Forum was an annual event of two big events: Upstream Improvement & Innovation Award (UIIA) and Upstream Technology Sharing Forum (FSTH). The Upstream Forum Cup was given by PT Pertamina (Persero) Upstream Director Dharmawan Samsu to PHI President Director Bambang Manumayoso.
As one of PT Pertamina (Persero) upstream subsidiaries, PHI berhasil successfully showcased its excellence in innovation, creativity, value creation and technology application proven to improve the company's performance in oil and gas operations. During the UIIA Forum, PHI sent 5 representative of Continuous Improvement Program (CIP) groups from PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM), PT Pertamina Hulu Sanga Sanga (PHSS) and PT Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur (PHKT), and successfully obtained 4 platinum and 1 gold awards. Meanwhile, PHI through PHSS obtained the Best Poster Presentation in the FSTH event.
The CIP group that got the platinum award, I-Prove SALUT, was PHM's innovation using the e-CEMIL (Electricline Cleaner dan Milling) method to elimited scale or deposits from wellbore. This method allowed for better well intervention projects such as perforation and unloading. The FT Prove MIFI group also showcased how PHM applied the MIFI method, an extraordinary technology innovation from the Petrophysics team in interpreting fluids from the existing data log. Another group from PHM showed the SISCA method application which combined two series of innovation, hybrid seismic analysis and multicone scanning at the Sisi Nubi Field. Meanwhile, the PC-Prove Next Level group from PHSS applied the CEKER atau cement packer method which was a solution that was proven efficient and economical in accessing marginal hydrocarbon zones. The four groups proved that the application of those technology successfully increase the oil and gas reserve and the production stability to maintain PHI's long-term business sustainability.
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PHKT's innovation was showcased by PC-Prove FANA (Frame Anti Lama) group by using a more rigid, simple and adjustable frame structure to replace scaffolding to support BOP height adjustment, riser and RJU (Rotor Jack Unit) projects, as well as making the work area to be safer while installing the rod and PCP pump.
For PHI's achievements in the 2019 Upstream Forum, Bambang Manumayoso conveyed PHI's commitment in running a safe, effective, efficient and sustainable oil and gas operations and develop innovations and value creations to always support PT Pertamina (Persero) in providing energy for Indonesia and support the national development. ***