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Excelling in Energy Management, PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia Group Won 11 Subroto Awards in 2023 in the Field of Energy Efficiency

Excelling in Energy Management, PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia Group Won 11 Subroto Awards in 2023 in the Field of Energy Efficiency

Bali– PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI), through its subsidiaries and corporate entities located in the Kalimantan Regional 3 upstream subholding environment, succeeded in winning 11 2023 Subroto Awards in the Field of Energy Efficiency from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia (ESDM).

PT Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan (PHKT) and PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) won two awards in the Subcategory of Utilization of Gas Flares in Natural Gas Fields. Meanwhile, nine other awards were in the Energy Management category in the Building and Industrial Sector, a Special Innovation Subcategory in Energy Management in Industry.

In his remarks at the award night, the Director General of EBTKE, Yudo Dwinanda Priaadi, said that the presentation of the 2023 Subroto Award was proof that the government and interested parties have the same spirit and goal in moving towards Zero Net Emissions (NZE) in the energy sector.

PHI President Director John Anis expressed his joy at the government's recognition through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for the energy efficiency performance that the Company has carried out.

"We are committed to continuing to apply best practices in managing the impact of the Company's upstream oil and gas operations, as well as continuing to encourage innovation and the application of technology that makes oil and gas operations effective, efficient, compliant, and environmentally friendly," said John.

John explained that PHI and its subsidiaries and other corporate entities under it continue to see opportunities for innovation and technology in maintaining the recovery and production levels of the Company's oil and gas fields while also encouraging operations that are increasingly environmentally friendly.

For the Special Innovation category, the Company received nine awards, namely PT Pertamina EP (PEP) Tanjung Field through an innovation entitled Increasing Energy Efficiency and Zero Discharge in Fluid Processing outside the existing production facility process with the "TAPIR" Innovation Patent Number IDS000004718.

Meanwhile, PEP Sangatta Field - Semberah Field won an award for innovation in increasing energy performance in indirect heaters through the method of replacing Dihydrogen Monoxide with Mono Ethylene Glyco l at PT Pertamina EP Sangatta Field - Semberah Field.

Innovation at PEP Sangasanga Field also won awards with two program titles, namely Energy Reduction, Emission Reduction and Increased Production Life of Oil Wells with Pipe Thickness Inspection Robots (Patent No. IDS000004710) and Damage Prediction of Production Pipe Method (Patent No. IDS000004732) in the Field Sangasanga, and Use of On Trailer to reduce Non-Productive Rig Time and reduce CO2 Emissions using On Trailer.

Meanwhile, PEP Tarakan Field received an innovation award entitled GEMPI Innovation (Green Environmental Mobile Oil Pump Installation) through the use of low-power pumps and solar panels to reactivate old oil wells in the Pamusian Structure, Pertamina Tarakan Field; PEP Sangatta Field with innovation Improved energy performance with plunger modification for adjusting well potential; PEP Bunyu Field with energy efficiency innovation from reducing well fluid sample analysis time using the "Legend" Portable Centrifuge tool at PT Pertamina EP Bunyu Field.

Apart from that, PHKT Northern Operation Area (DOBU) succeeded in winning an award for innovation in the form of improving energy performance and preventing production loss in the C-40 Gas Turbine Compressor Unit through the application of the SILOS METHOD (Separation Improvement & Lube Oil Surveillance) in the Serang Field; and PHM by increasing energy production and performance through the design and implementation of Swamp Monopod Platform (SMP) technology at PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam Tunu Field.

"We believe that the sustainability of the Company's operations and business depends on our ability to collaborate and synergize in supporting increasingly efficient energy use, reducing carbon emissions, and utilizing new and renewable energy," he explained.

PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI) is part of Pertamina's Upstream Subholding, which manages upstream oil and gas operations and business according to Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles in Region 3 Kalimantan. In 2022, through its subsidiaries and affiliates, PHI recorded oil production of 57.8 thousand barrels of oil per day (MBOPD) and gas production of 668.3 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMSCFD). In achieving its vision of becoming a world-class oil and gas company, PHI continues to carry out various innovations and technological applications in producing safe, efficient, reliable, compliant, and environmentally friendly energy to support #EnergyKalimantanForIndonesia. PHI's headquarters is in Jakarta. More information about PHI is available at https://phi.pertamina.com.

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